About Us
Elipsis Blue Trading (43) t/a LPK Isivuno, is the first black owned box-hole tunneling business in South Africa. It was created out of the well-established businesses of LPK Mining CC, formed in 1997 by Pieter Venter and staffed by an experienced workforce of 195 people.
Negotiations were successfully concluded the terms of which resulted in a black owned and managed contract mining company.
The business is well capitalized, ably managed on all fronts, and is poised for major growth in its chosen field of endeavour namely all aspects of underground contract mining work. It presently operates under written 5 year contracts at various shafts in the Rustenburg area including Anglo Platinum, Lonmin, Impala Platinum and Buffels Gold mine presently concentrating on box-hole tunneling, drilling and blasting, Underground Rail Road Construction, Silo and Ventilation Shaft Construction, Vamping and Development.

Statement of Purpose
The company has remained
sustainable through the challenges
facing the mining industry.
Sustainability has been achieved
through the following:

Prioritizing safety as a foundation for success

Increasing productivity by planning and execution of the plan

Implementing an online OHSAS system as a strategy towards OHSAS 18001 compliance